Johnsen Education is dedicated to maximizing student potential in mathematics.  We offer educational services for parents, educators and students.

Based on 17 years of using different strategies to teach high school mathematics to diverse populations of students, we designed an instructional mathematics book to teach topics initially by using explicit instruction, then by developing each topic through applications and easy to understand proofs.

Similarities and differences between concepts are easily identifiable and numerous nonlinguistic representations are presented and used to summarize topics. The book also incorporates generating and testing hypothesis.

Not surprisingly, our methods are exactly what current, national research-validated studies show are the most effective teaching strategies for students who are English Language Learners (ELL), Special Education, or have a history of being unsuccessful in math classes.  Those students unable to complete a typical mathematics progression  sequence also benefit from the same teaching methods.

Increasingly, schools are turning to computerized instruction to teach mathematics. Unfortunately, when a student gets an incorrect answer, the computer cannot tell the student what they did wrong, only that the student got the wrong answer. Students must then repeat the material, sometimes, over and over again.  Many students become frustrated because they understood the concept, but don't know why they are getting incorrect answers.

Our book is designed to promote self confidence while providing opportunities for each student to excel and advance to higher mathematics concepts.

Based in Saint Cloud, MN, Johnsen Education started to provide parents, students and educators a supplemental resource to use to assist in bringing students back to the appropriate level of mathematics for their age.  Current national, research-validated instructional strategies were used in developing an instructional workbook designed to introduce students to advanced mathematical concepts while reinforcing these same concepts for advanced students.

Eileen Johnsen

  • 18 years experience teaching high school mathematics. 
  • 5 years experience working with pre-college admissions programs,  teaching ACT preparation courses and summer pre-college readiness programs on college campuses.
  • 5 years experience using math instruction computer programs.
  • Appearing in MN State Colleges and Universities, Access and Opportunity Centers of Excellence, pre-college program video.
  • 1988 received BS in Mathematics, graduating Cum Laude.
  • Current Teaching License Held: Mathematics 7 - 12.
  • Previously Held Teaching Licenses: Applied Mathematics (Technical College licensure-currently inactive).
  • Education: SCSU - Mathematics, University of Minnesota - Technical College Licensure.